Seconda città campana per popolazione, le origini sono misteriose, ma si sa che i greci vi portarono le colture del lino, del frumento, dell'ulivo e dei
frutteti, gli Etruschi, le industrie tessili, della ceramica e del bronzo.
Poi fu colonia romana ed ebbe il nome di Salernum. Ma è solo con i Longobardi che divenne il centro più fiorente del Mezzogiorno: nel 786, il principe Arechi II, vi
trasferì la sede del ducato di Benevento e fece fortificare la città, con mura e torri. Salerno fu così sede di un principato, potente centro politico e centro
di studi con la celebre Scuola Medica, la più antica istituzione medica dell'occidente europeo. Tra il X e il XII secolo la città visse il periodo più florido
della sua storia: Opulenta Salernum fu la dizione coniata sulle monete per testimoniarne lo splendore.
Dal XIV secolo in poi, gran parte della provincia di Salerno diventò territorio dei Principi di Sanseverino, nel XVII secolo la città fu teatro di peste e terremoti.
Nel 1799 aderì alla Repubblica Partenopea. Nel settembre del 1943 fu teatro dello sbarco degli alleati e ospitò il Governo Badoglio, divenendo capitale d’Italia
fino alla liberazione di Roma (agosto 1944).
Da non perdere: il Castello Arechi, il Giardino della Minerva, il Forte La Carnale, il Duomo, il Museo dell Scuola Medica Salernitana, la festa di San Matteo
Apostolo, patrono della città, il 21 settembre…
Cava dei Tirreni
Oggi borgo circondato da venti villaggi, i primi abitanti delle terre de la cava furono i Tirreni, tribù nomade Etrusca, poi in epoca
romana fu rinomato luogo di villeggiatura prescelto dalla nobiltà di Roma: i resti delle ville lo testimoniano.
Fu poi abitata dai Longobardi, la cui civiltà è custodita nelle antiche Torri. Nel 1011 ebbe l'Abbazia Benedettina della SS. Trinità.
Nel 1394, una bolla di Papa Bonifacio IX, la elevò alla dignità di città: nacque allora il toponimo la Cava. Dal 1700 fu rinomata meta
di turisti e viaggiatori: i pittori napoletani dell'ottocento la preferirono per le amene vedute, per i panorami ricchi di verde e di
sfondi marini Poi col Grand Tour Goethe, Hackert, Bourgeois, Walter Scott, John Ruskin e tanti altri ne rimasero estasiati.
Da non perdere: il centro storico, il duomo, la Badia della Santissima Trinità, la chiesa di S.Giacomo, la chiesa e il convento di
San Francesco, il castello di San Adiutore e ai primi di luglio la storica disfida dei trombonieri.
Vietri sul Mare
By the border stands Vietri, once coveted by conquerors and pirates. It has got a tormented history of blood and chains, of fighting and
suffering and finally melted races and cultures. The style of the buildings, the alleys, the shape of the vases, everything sums up
this past.
Of Etruscan origins, it was Nuceria Alfaterna’s port of call. Not being admitted into the Amalfi federation, at first it was taken by the
Longobards of Salerno, and later on by the Normans, the Abbey of Cava. Then the tradition of its ceramics started: in XVIII century it
counted more than fifty kilns.
It is built on two levels: the village centre stands around the Majolica Dome of the Church, while the lower level includes
the beach area, called the Marina. Not to be missed: St. Giovanni Battista of the end of X century; the Arch-Confraternity of the
Annunziata and the SS. Rosario; the delightful small hamlets of Raito and Albori and the very essence of Vietri, the ceramics: riggiole, (tiles), and vasette (vases).
In the Tower of Villa Guariglia stands the Museum of Ceramics.
It has Etruscan origins, and its name comes from Cetari, who were the formidable tuna fishermen.
It was the last town of the Amalfi Federation, Amalfi´s Gate and Bastion. Under the Norman domain it was ruled by the Abbey of Cava,
and by the "Sea Superintendent”who supervised the famous Tonnara, (tuna market).
Ignored by mass tourism, Cetara is still tied to its traditions, its inhabitants are still sailors and farmers, and the turns of
the seasons still measure time and work. They grow lemons in the stormy months and go fishing in summer (tuna and anchovies).
They are filleted and preserved in oil in the typical "vasetti" (pottery vases), and they keep the scent of the sea.
Not to be missed, the delicious gastronomical event A Tutto Tonno (Tuna Festival) and on 29th of June the boat Procession of St. Peter.
In the alleys of the little village you can visit the Church of St. Francis, dating back to the fifteenth century, and the Parish Church
of St. Peter.
An Etruscan town dating back to VII century A.D. Later on it became a Duchy and was the seat of the Customs, of the Admiralty,
and the Arsenals, and the Salt Warehouses.
It was victim of incursions and sacking: the Normans, the inhabitants of Pisa, the Saracens and the Spaniards and lastly the Avalanche,
the powerful Allied landing in 1943. Maiori was on the Grand Tour, it was also home of the “Costaioli" (Coastal Painters), and became
famous in the films of Rossellini and his Neo-Realism, such as Paisá, L´Amore and Viaggio in Italia.
A bizarre town, Maiori is modern in the aspect but ancient in the spirit, keeping some treasures such as the Castle of S. Nicola, the
Abbey of St. Maria de Olearia, the Collegiate of St. Maria a Mare and traditions not to be missed: the Festival of the Aubergines
dipped in chocolate, the Feast of Our Lady of the Avvocata, and the Carnival.
Of Roman origins dating back to VI century A.D., commerce made it rich and intolerant: the cradle of the political opposition, in 1096 it
took sides with Roberto il Guiscardo, and this alliance gave it the independence from Amalfi, the Episcopate and the epithet of Rebel
that can be still found in the root of its name.
Prosperous for several centuries, it reached its decline at the end of the '600.
Abandoned until the Middle of the XIX century, with the Grand Tour. its magical scenery caught the imagination of the Romantic Voyagers:
Wagner, Reid, Gregorovius, the Royal Family of Sweden. A century later Gore Vidal in his Villa, "La Rondinaia”, found a refuge
for himself and for other international artists.
Later the adventure of the Ravello Festival, of the European University Centre for Cultural Heritage, the superb craftsmanship: artistic
ceramics, cameos and its delicate, fresh, DOC wines...and the art of the Cathedral, and Villa Rufolo and Cimbrone.
A Roman settlement dating back to V century A.D., it originates from a consular that wrecked on the rocks of Amalfi.
The town of Scala copied Rome with its Campidoglio (Capitol) and perimeter walls. Commerce made it wealthy: it counted 130 Churches
and 35000 inhabitants plus enterprising: it founded Amalfi and Ravello, and at Jerusalem Gerardo Sasso founded a hospital with 1000
beds run by the warriors Friars who later became the Knights of Malta. Ravello was an Episcopate between 987 and 1818, a Seat of nobles,
and in XVIII century it was visited by St Alfonso Maria De' Liguori who saw Our Lady in the Grotto of the mystic Apparitions.
Scala is the historical memory of the coast, like an old lady, whose stones tell of its past and art. Not to be missed: a visit to the
Cathedral of St. Lorenzo with its Sacred Treasure, and the frescoes in the crypt of St Annunziata of Minuta, the Medieval Village of
Pontone, the fruits of the mountains, especially the delicious chestnuts and their succulent Festival in October.
It was a Roman town, but it became a great commercial and military powerful centre in the Tyrrhenian sea between X and XI century.
It coined its own money, the "Tarí", and established the first international Navigation code called Thabulae De Amalphia, used the
Mariner´s Compass, and opened colonies in the countries it traded with: in Byzantium, Alexandria of Egypt, Tunis and at Jerusalem
it founded a large hospital run by the future Knights of Malta.
They manufactured cotton-based paper. The town was devastated by the Republic of Pisa. In the middle of XII century, it declined into
misery and only a manufacturing activity survived until XIX century, when it was rediscovered by the Grand Tour, and after that by the
elite tourism.
Not to be missed: the Cathedral and its Cloisters, its ancient Squares, the evocative folklore of Easter and Christmas Celebrations, the
Historical Regatta of the 4 Maritime Republics, and its typical products, such as hand-made paper, lemons, ceramics, limoncello liqueur.
It is the ancient "Pasitea", with Greek origins. Here the Roman patricians built their villas.
Its brave sailors took to commerce: in the Alliance of Amalfi it was seat of the Naval School and an important port of trade with the
Far East. The oriental influence can be found in the language, the customs and architecture.
The Bourbons fell in love with Positano, and so until the XVIII century it avoided a decline …the new dawn arrived in the '30s, when
painters and writers were enchanted by the magical atmosphere of the village, its scenery, the fishermen’s lifestyle.
Therefore they started building villas and using it as a golden refuge. The famous Positano Fashion and Tourism are now a dream
all social classes can make come true. Not to be missed: the Collegiate of the St Maria Assunta, the Mermaids’ Rocks (Li Galli Islands)
and above all the Craftsmanship of the multicoloured fashions and sandals.
Fondata dai greci, Sorrento subí la supremazia degli Etruschi e poi dal 420 a.C., l'influsso degli Oschi.
In età romana partecipò all'insurrezione degli Italici (90 a.C.); vi fu quindi uno stanziamento di veterani di Ottaviano.
Fu sede vescovile almeno dal 420, durante la crisi del dominio bizantino in Italia, acquisì autonomia come ducato, prima sotto la
supremazia dei duchi di Napoli, poi con duchi propri, sempre in lotta con Amalfi, Salerno ed i Saraceni.
Combatté i Longobardi di Benevento, e dopo alterne vicende perse definitivamente la propria autonomia nel 1137, quando fu assorbita nel
nuovo regno dei Normanni. Nel 1558 fu presa e saccheggiata dai Turchi; nell'inverno del 1648 la città sostenne valorosamente l'assedio di
Giovanni Grillo, generale del duca di Guisa. Pare che il toponimo Sorrento tragga derivazione dalla denominazione Sirenide, anticamente
data alla zona, luogo di presenza delle Sirene, leggendarie creature che ammaliavano i naviganti con i loro canti facendoli naufragare c
ontro le scogliere.
Da non perdere il Duomo, la Chiesa di San Francesco d'Assisi, con portico arabeggiante ad archi, la cattedrale dei SS Filippo e Giacomo,
il museo Correale di Terranova, la basilica di Sant’Antonino, i resti delle ville romane, il limoncello…